Dr. Anjali Holani
Dental Surgeon in Aurangabad -Dr. Anjali Holani
Dr. Anjali Holani has Completed his BDS from Sharad Pawar Dental College, Sawangi, Wardha in Year 2010. She has Experience in clinical practice at kakade Dental Clinic Pune. She worked with Dr. Jignesh Chavda in Ahmedabad. Worked with Dr.Jitendra Bothra, Orthodontist at jodhpur. She has participated & attended Indian Dental Conference. Dental Education Programme on pediatric Restorative Dentistry and Attended Lecture Dr. Bajaj on Rotary Endodontics.
She is also in private practice last 10 years. She has experience in clinical practice at Pune, Ahmedabad & Jodhpur. She has attended various Dental education programmes. She Performs all kinds of general dental treatment.
His motto is to provide the best dental treatment for Satisfied Patients. dental need with proper care.